Thursday, September 23, 2010

Two plus two equals gigantic video screen

CMS president and general manager Marcus Smith has called a press conference to today in conjunction with Panasonic. Now what do you think the subject will be?
About two years ago, the president of Charlotte Motor Speedway was asked what major changes he hoped to effect under his direction.
Here’s what Marcus Smith said:
“Video screens are a nice amenity for fans, but they’re still very expensive right now and cost millions and millions of dollars,” he said, “but if I could have one thing at our speedways, if I could push a button, I’d want those big, big video screens like what football and baseball stadiums have. Some of them are 100, even 200, feet wide.
“The challenge is that our speedways are eight times larger than football stadiums in terms of area. We’d probably have to put one up that’s 300 or 400 feet wide. Those boards are extremely expensive, and they haven’t come down in price. I’d like to see that happen, especially where aggressive technology is concerned. Today you can buy a DVD player for less than $100 that used to cost $1,000. I would definitely love to have large video screens, and that’s something we’re watching and considering closely.”
Flash forward. On Tuesday, the speedway is holding a press conference in conjunction with Panasonic. Reckon what that could be?
What could happen is that CMS erects the largest video screen in America, larger even than the one in the Dallas Cowboys’ football stadium. Even if it were built on the back straight, it could be so gigantic that its replays, information and promotions could be seen clear as a bell by all the fans sitting on the other side of the track.
It could be yet another trendsetter for Speedway Motorsports Inc., the company headed by Bruton Smith (Marcus’ father) that gave NASCAR lights, condos, luxury suites and other fan amenities that revolutionized stock car racing as a spectator sport and helped raise it to a level at least comparable to professional football, baseball, basketball and hockey.
What the press-conference announcement says is that CMS officials will be joined by special guests to announce “a groundbreaking, colossal facility addition that will revolutionize the fan experience at sporting events.”
The Smiths, Bruton and Marcus, will be there along with Jim Doyle, president of Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company.
It sure sounds like a gigantic video board.
This seems like a fairly educated guess.

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